Jan 17, 2009

Clickfree Transformer Cable gives any USB hard drive auto backup functionality

If you're not about to sell off your current stable of external USB hard drives just to experience the wonders of Clickfree backups, you're staring your solution right in the face. Clickfree has just introduced its new Transformer Cable, which is "the first and only USB cable that turns ordinary external hard drives into truly automatic Clickfree backup solutions." Put simply, users just connect their USB HDD to their PC via this here cable, and without any software installations or black magic, the external drive automatically begins to search through, organize and backup your data. The painfully simple cord should be available right now for the mildly reasonable price of $59.99; full release is after the break.
New 'Transformer Cable' from Clickfree is the first and only USB cable that turns ordinary external hard drives into truly automatic Clickfree backup solutions

Storage Appliance Corp.'s latest breakthrough turns any external hard drive from any manufacturer into an effortless, Clickfree backup solution, eliminating the risk of losing precious photos, videos, music and data forever
TORONTO – Jan. 5, 2008 – Storage Appliance Corp. – the company whose portable backup systems made the otherwise laborious task of backing up computer data manually a thing of the past – today announced another breakthrough with the launch of its Clickfree Transformer Cable. The new Transformer USB cable instantly turns any competitor's external hard drive into a Clickfree automatic backup device, completely eliminating the hassle and confusion of installing and configuring backup software. Like all Clickfree products there is no software to install or configure, it is truly automatic - right out of the box.
"The Clickfree name has become synonymous with effort-free computer backup. Regardless of what the competition claims, our new Clickfree Transformer Cable is the only way to make a regular external hard drive easy to use, requiring no software or configuration, and immediately backing up everything that matters from your computer's hard drive," says Storage Appliance Corp. CEO, Bryan McLeod. "The Transformer Cable works with any manufacturer's USB external hard drive to deliver automatic, no-click backing up. Finally, you can stop avoiding backup because it was too much trouble!"
The Transformer USB cable is so easy to use. Simply plug it in to your computer, then connect the other manufacturer's hard drive and it instantly becomes a totally automatic Clickfree backup drive that searches, organizes and backs up all of your PC data and digital files. There are no instructions to read, no software to install and configure, no copying and pasting files, it's really that easy.
Clickfree's entire lineup of products, from the Transformer Cable to Clickfree portable backup drives and DVDs, are designed for the 85 to 95 percent of computer users who, research shows, fail to regularly backup content on their PCs because they do not have the time, desire or skill to install, set up and use confusing or complex software and hardware products.
The Cable Backup has a retail price of $59.99 and will be available starting January 1, 2009 by ordering directly from the Storage Appliance Corporation's website (www.goclickfree.com) and other retailers. 
Clickfree products can also be found at leading outlets such as Best Buy, FRYS, OfficeMax, and Walgreens, in addition to Amazon.com, Costco.com, Newegg.com, and Walmart.com, with additional major retailers coming soon.

[ Source: Engadget ]
[ Tag: backup, cable, ces, ces 2009, Ces2009, Clickfree, one-click, Storage Appliance, StorageAppliance, Transformer Cable, TransformerCable ]


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