Jan 17, 2009

DROP.IO launches a new DROP.IO Manager allowing companies to simply share files

Private file sharing company drop.io, inc. has just announced a very simple file sharing solution that allows professionals in businesses or organizations to centrally manage and share large data files. Many people already use the drop.io service as a central hub for project content.
The drop.io Manager extends the core sharing functionality by providing users with the ability to organize multiple drops from a single interface with many administrative, customization and privacy options. drop.io Manager is available in three different subscription options including Professional, Business and Enterprise.
“Virtually any organization can relate to the increased hassle and expense when they need to share large digital files”, said Sam Lessin, drop.io’s CEO and founder. “Email often imposes strict file attachment limits, FTP requires IT knowledge, is hard to use, and is often un-reliable and portable media (CDs, memory cards) require physical distribution.  With drop.io manager, companies can use drop.io’s simple private file sharing system in a custom branded, centrally administered environment for all of their files sharing needs.”
With drop.io Manager companies can privately share, documents, audio files, images and many more. You can even upload files through a variety of different methods including the website itself, MMS / SMS, email, desktop applications, your phone and more.  Content can only be accessed by whom ever the uploaded would like through one of many outputs including all of the above-mentioned sources and even iTunes. drop.io Manager as many features that the consuper service does not, these features include a range of enhanced services at a significant value to file sharing alternatives. Some of the key features include the ability to pre-define the total size, access, expiration and look-and-feel of the drops.


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